Life Coaching by Daniel Torridon

My Journey

At 54 years young, I've traversed a path that includes escaping from a religious cult (Jehovah's Witnesses), overcoming the challenges of spiritual exploration post-religion, and confronting the shadows of childhood trauma, including sexual abuse.

My resilience has won through battles with teen depression, two mental breakdowns, and the difficulties posed by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

With four grown children and the wisdom earned through an arduous divorce from a mentally and emotionally abusive marriage, I understand the intricacies of personal relationships. My journey with depression to a place of wellbeing and peace has further deepened my understanding of mental health.

My Achievements

I stand as a testament to the power of transformation in the face of adversity. I am a serial entrepreneur with a diverse skill set including web development, social media management, first aid training, and wedding photography.

I am a co-creator of the FREE Flaxenwick online video course designed specifically to help former Jehovah's Witnesses heal and rebuild their lives after exiting the cult. Related to this, I work closely with Stop Mandated Shunning, a charity campaigning to end the practice of mandated shunning within high-control religious groups such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Ultra-Orthodox Jews, Exclusive Brethren, Amish, Bahá'í Faith, and Scientology.

I also present the OnionUnlimited radio show and podcast where I interview guests with a vast array of spiritual, metaphysical, scientific, and philosophical beliefs. This has had the effect of enhancing my cultural sensitivity, empathy, communication, and holistic understanding.

The Personal Touch

Beyond the professional realm, my passions include street photography, painting, and writing poetry. I am also a published author and songwriter with over 100 songs to my name. Meanwhile, I find joy in the simple pleasures of rain, peaceful sleep, and the enchanting landscapes of Scotland.

Having now transitioned from the UK to Lowood in Queensland, Australia, I bring a global perspective to my coaching, drawing from the richness of diverse cultures and experiences.